Social workers and civil legal advocates from The Bronx Defenders will present the following two workshops at the 2016 National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW) Conference in New Orleans, LA, on June 17-19, 2016.
Saturday, June 18 (3:15-4:45)
Developing Written Advocacy Skills: Persuasion and Disruption
This workshop will provide instruction on how to develop effective written advocacy in defense work as well as facilitate a discussion exploring the limitations through a radical social work lens.
Kristen Black, MA, MSW; Kayla Bennett, LMSW
Sunday, June 19 (9:45-10:30)
Presumption and Prejudice: Pregnant Drug Using Women and Charges of Child Neglect
This workshop will compare the range of social work and public policy approaches addressing pregnant women who use drugs and the barriers they face in seeking health care and social services.
Sarah Cremer, LMSW; Dinah Ortiz
To learn more about the conference and to register, click here.